How we can help you.
General & Diabetic Foot Care
Heel Pain & Plantar Fasciitis
Ingrowing Toenail Surgery
Sports & Running Injuries

An MSK specialist podiatrist will use their knowledge of foot and lower limb function to treat lower limb injury, and pain which is effecting your daily life and goals. The specialist has a range of skills and approaches to aiding your recovery and allowing you to reach your goals. From video gait analysis, in depth MSK/neurodynamic examination, orthotics, footwear advice and tailored strength and conditioning programmes, your specific injuries will be addressed in the best way possible for you.
We work closely with a team of specialists, including physiotherapists, osteopaths, and dieticians.
Tailored treatment plans to meet your individual needs and goals.
From gait analysis to orthotics, we use the latest technology to treat and prevent injuries.
With 20+ years of expertise, we understand the importance of maintaining great foot health.
This is a question Podiatrists get asked all the time, and the answer is they are essentially the same thing.
The name Chiropodist is gradually being phased out in the UK because it is anatomically incorrect. The prefix ‘Chiro’ is actually Greek for hands!
The term Podiatry/Podiatrist replaced Chiropody/chiropodist back in the late 1980’s early 1990’s when the qualification was changed from a diploma course to the BSC (Hons) course of Podiatric medicine that is required today to practice as a podiatrist.
The original Diploma course would encompass the traditional role of corns, callus, toe nail and wound care normally associated with chiropody.
The inception of the BSC (Hons) course hailed the beginning of the profession entering new areas alongside its traditional role, such as Podiatric surgery, Musculoskeletal specialism, Prescription only medicine, Steroid injection, ultrasound imaging and much more.